Loudness, the Next Goodhertz Plugin

Edit: Loudness has now been officially released! Get the full version (for free) here.

We’re happy to announce that the next Goodhertz plugin is: Loudness. It’s the (free!) Goodhertz plugin for making things louder — and quieter — with confidence & ease.

Want to be beta tester? Sign up here.

Want to see the interface? ?

Loudness Beta 1, in light mode
Loudness Beta 1, in light mode
Loudness Beta 1, in dark mode
Loudness Beta 1, in dark mode

If you were following Goodhertz way back in 2016, you may have vague memories of a free plugin called Trim, a Mac-only plugin meant for — as we put it then — “intelligent LUFS metering.” To jog your memory, here’s a screenshot:

Goodhertz Trim, a forever-in-beta plugin from 2016
Goodhertz Trim, a forever-in-beta plugin from 2016

A few weeks after Trim’s initial beta release, we decided to pause the launch. As we noted in an email at the time:

“Trim” will not be included in the initial 2.0 release. We’re adding some new features and will do another round of beta testing once it’s ready.

Well, 7 years later, we’re proud to announce that the big day is here: it’s time for the second round of beta testing! And true to our word, we did add “some new features” — in fact, we added a ton of new features, and we also changed the name.

You might also notice it looks a lot different, and not just in terms of features. Back when Trim (aka Loudness) was first introduced, a lot about our plugins was different. Not only were they Mac-only, they were also much more minimal design-wise. Well, they’re still pretty minimal, but back then they were really minimal. And our kit of tools for making plugins was a lot smaller. On the advanced page, for instance, in 2016 Trim the Polarity, Solo, and Mute buttons all get a ton of space, which is very straightforward, but also very space inefficient. So in 2023 Loudness, we packaged all that up with some abbreviations (ø, S, & M), meaning we could fit in a lot more functionality in even less space. (And if you ever get confused, just hold your mouse over the controls and a little popup will show up to show you the full name of the control. Or you can right-click the control and see the full name in the popup menu as well.)

Anyway, we’re very excited about this one, and we hope you are too.