Tupe Wow

A screenshot of the Tupe Wow interface
Tube + Tape + Wow = Tupe Wow — Now in Beta
How to Unlock this Plugin

Once you own both Tupe and Wow Control, you get Tupe Wow for free

Tupe Wow Installer
You can download the latest version of Tupe Wow here:
Tupe Wow Beta 1Mac OS Tupe Wow Beta 1Windows

Tupe Wow Beta 1 is free to download. You’ll need to own both Tupe and Wow Control to use it permanently, but the beta does allow one 30-day free trial.

Tupe Wow is a mashup of two of our most popular plugins: Tupe — and — Wow Control.

Tupe = Tube + Tape.

Wow Control = Wow & Flutter (…and a lot of controls).

On its own, Tupe is a deep plugin that can replicate entire analog signal chains of tubes & tape machines (both real and imagined). It does, however, lack one pretty significant thing that most tape machines have: — you guessed it!wow & flutter.

Our original thinking was: well, we already make a great wow & flutter plugin (Wow Control), so if you want wow, just use that!

But we kept getting requests to combine them and somehow offer the functionality of Wow Control inside Tupe. Eventually, we came to realize that there would be some big benefits to combining the two, and after using Tupe Wow for a few minutes, it became clear that we needed to release this plugin.

Tupe Wow = Tube + Tape + Wow & Flutter + More!

What’s new in Tupe Wow?

  • New FE90 Cassette Tapes! (coming to Tupe eventually)
  • New C90 Toy Cassette Tape! (coming to Tupe eventually)
  • New Tape Speed Adjustment control can change both wow & flutter speed and the tape’s response for endless tonal variations.
  • New Tube Ripple section for adding extra grit and grime caused by tube power supply ripple.
  • New presets!

More information available on our blog.

Additional benefits and enhancements in Tupe Wow:

  • Wow & flutter are now linked to the Tape Mode selection, enabling accurate, full-machine reproduction with one click.
  • Tupe Wow is more CPU efficient (especially in HQ Mode) by intelligently sharing CPU resources between the Tupe & Wow Control algorithms.
  • Tupe Wow includes a large oscilloscope view of exactly what’s happening with the pitch modulation.