- Email:
- Phone: (626) 720-4815 (M-F, 10am - 5pm PST)
- Instagram @goodhertz
International Users
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Pour toute question, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter en Français.
Skype phone support available if needed.
Bug Reports / Support
We work hard to make Goodhertz plugins free of any bugs, but if you do experience an issue with a plugin, please contact us immediately.
When sending us a bug report, make sure to include:
- Plugin & version (you can find this by right clicking a plugin's logo)
- OS version (e.g. OS X 10.10.5; Windows 10 Pro Version 1607)
- Computer model (e.g. Mac Pro, Late 2013)
- Host/DAW and version (e.g Logic X 10.1.1; Cubase Pro 8.5)
- Exactly what was happening/happened & any steps to reproduce the issue (if possible)
- Crash report/log or screenshot (if possible)
In case you're not sure what to call the issue, here are a couple of typical possibilities:
- Crash - the application (Pro Tools, Logic, etc.) unexpectedly quit. Depending on the host/DAW, a crash report should be generated. If you can, please send us that crash report; they can be extremely helpful. For most DAW’s you can find the crash report in the Console app on Mac or Event Viewer on PC, by looking for the name of your DAW. For Pro Tools, you should be presented with the option to “Save Log…” after a crash.
- Freeze/Hang - the plugin/app freezes and stops responding to user input but does not crash.
- Error - the host/DAW presents an error message when using the plugin.
- CPU spike - the CPU usage changes dramatically. Please let us know what sample rate & buffer size you were using.